Download YellowMemo

Your free trial version is a fully functional note taking program. The trial version will expire 30 days from first installation. The expired version will still let you view, copy and export your existing memos, but you will not be able to edit them. The creation of new memos is also disabled. The sourceforge version is unlimited, click here to view ->

 By downloading you acknowledge and agree to the terms and condition described in the License Page.

YellowMemo is now featured on C|NET Download.Com site:   
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YellowMemo is now on SoftPedia.Com:   
Or Download from the author's web site:  

To activate your yellow memo program, or to extend your free trial license, please go to the Buy Page. You will receive a Licence Key, which activates your copy of YellowMemo to be used without any limitations.

If you have any questions, please Email me at the address found on the About Page or see the support submission form on the Contact Page

You can access the online version of the YellowMemo Program Manual. The online version is a sampler of the manual that accompanies the product.

To activate your copy of YellowMemo goto the Buy Page

Copyright © by Peter Glen